
To Be One in a Hundred Thousand Extraordinaries

"Don't think you're too young. You can change the world. Any day. Start now. Start today." 
"...whatever you want, chase after it with everything that you have not because of the fame or the fortune but solely because that's what you believe in, because that's what makes your heart sing, that's what your dance is." 
"In the small, anonymous, monotonous, every single day acts, I have to remind myself to be extraordinary. And believe me, when the doors closed and the cameras are off, it's tough. But if there's one thing that I want to drive home to you... it's that it's the acts that make us extroadinary, not the Oprah moments."

= = =

I am often critiqued by well-meaning loved ones for setting personal goals that are too lofty for a single young person, and maybe they're right. Maybe I need to get better at making personal goals. Or at least get better at not being so devastated or impatient with myself when I falter on achieving my goals.

Change - big change - takes time and patience. I'm willing to spend both in order to reach my dreams. I do not seek recognition for milestone moments or accomplishments. I want to be one in a hundred thousand extraordinaries. I want to be a teacher and a writer of some sort... I am not going to be the best there ever was, if any good at all, but it's what I want to do. It's not going to happen over night. Growth will be slow, unsteady, barely visible in the every day acts, and sometimes even painful. I'm willing to do what it takes, though, even if it means humbling myself when the going gets tough.

Just gotta keep moving.

For now, I have secured two temporary part-time teaching jobs. I start this week. I'm nervous and excited; I also find myself weary of getting too attached to coworkers or students. Regardless of all these feelings, time marches forward and change continues to take place in me and around me. Let's go, 2012. What 'chu got for me?

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