Surprised myself by managing to not go completely off the high board when alone with my thoughts.
It was a dreary day, but I enjoyed the coziness factor. Put on a full face of makeup for funsies, took silly selfies because it makes me feel pretty, watched some junk TV (home reno shows and sci-fi), read a good book, journaled, worked on some art AND music AND poetry (my creative tap is officially tapped out for a while), went for a rainy day walk around the lake, got a slice of pizza and a cup of hot soup, and then spent a glorious, full two hours at a bookstore... and only bought one book! Go me.
gracious selfies
I've been sucked into the vortex of performing as teacher-me for the past several weeks (3 months, including summer work time). Today was my very, very first day being only-me with only me since summer ended, and I'm surprised at who me is/still is/has become. In typical overdrive-April fashion, I started my day off with a long list of to-dos--some chores, some panicky "take advantage of the day, don't waste it, have ALL the fun, do ALL the work, learn ALL the things" tasks, but then laziness properly hit and for once, I didn't beat myself up with guilt for not completing the impossible to-do list. I metaphorically plopped down, lotus position, after 8 weeks straight of standing (minus 2 days of being knocked out with the flu), first relieved, then kind of bored, then somewhat sore from lack of movement, and finally relaxed and meditated/calmed-TFO.
Good day and now, night. I've listened to hours and hours of podcasts and sultry female vocal singer/songwriter and jazz songs. Time to stick my nose in another good book (my millionth Jhumpa Lahiri book in the past couple years... Can't recommend her enough.).
Til next time, friends.