Hello, my baby.
It is 2pm on a Friday afternoon. Today marks 54 day since your dad and I started self-quarantining. We haven't been 100% caged up. I stepped out of the house after, I believe, 4 weeks of self-quarantining. Today also marks 36 weeks of you living in my belly. You are super active today! You are tiring me out. I wonder how much longer you will choose to stay in there--days? Weeks? Another month? I had my first prenatal appointment in 13 weeks today. I'm relieved to see that everything looks good. You're mostly in position, but sunny side up. Though I still need to close out the year with my students and finish up my degree at State, I feel ready for you.
It's 80ºF out today; I'm laying, with the fan running, the lights off, and the curtains pulled, in our dark bedroom. I feel like a desert lizard with a swollen belly, looking for refuge under a cool rock. I had my Tdap vaccine today and sleep has been a struggle. I might nap for a bit, though napping is not usually something that I do.
What a world you'll be born into, love. I hope that throughout the ups and downs that you inevitably will face in your life, that you find joy, peace, safety, adventure, and comfort. I'm so thankful to have you in my life already.
Talk soon,