I've been trying to organize my thoughts about what I want to say this year. The past year has been one for the books, to say the least. In just a simple list, without even reflection, I can tell you that it consisted of trying to get pregnant for several months (and being met with heartbreak with each negative pregnancy test), becoming pregnant and keeping it a secret for 3-4 months, crunch time with finishing my field study for my Master's, traveling to Iceland at the beginning of a pandemic, weathering a pandemic while still working, in school, and pregnant, an intense labor and delivery, postpartum recovery, and the fourth trimester.
But first,
Lessons Learned in my 32nd year:
1) Practice vulnerability, even with strangers. Socially, I've always seen myself as a bit of a wallflower, particularly in large groups of strangers and acquaintances (heck, even in large groups of friends). I thrive in one-on-one settings. However, these past couple of months, in three different social circles, I took a leap and bore my soul to a group of folks who I didn't necessarily feel particularly close to. I shared my story because I felt that it needed to be shared. The effect? I felt the group loosen up, open up, and become closer with one another. I like to think that I caused that to happen by being the first to jump into the deep end.
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