
Meet You at the Intersection of...

Everything is impermanent; attachment leads to suffering. Nine years ago, I packed two suitcases and moved to another state. Six months later, I repacked those two suitcases and moved to another country. I stayed on the go for two years thereafter. I never brought much with me; I often lived out of a backpack for days or weeks at a time. Anything I had collected over my two-year stint in Japan, I largely left behind when I moved back to the Bay Area to a small, subletted, furnished apartment.  

Necessity breeds action. Eight years ago, my necessity was paying down my student loans; my action was learning about personal finance and practicing frugality.

Refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, rot. A year ago, I learned about the zero waste lifestyle. I noticed that minimalism and frugality had already led to some zero waste and environmental sustainability practices (like cutting down on consumption, eating in rather than eating out, making do with what we have, borrowing rather than buying or buying second hand when necessary, free or cheap entertainment options like hiking and camping), but I figured, with those practices under my belt, I might as well also take action that focused on environmental benefit also figured that whereas minimalism and frugality 

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